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Safety Rails H100-H300


H100: Polyester coated bathtub safety rail
H200: Chrome plated bathtub safety rail, straight, high
H250: Chrome plated bathtub safety rail, angled
H300: Chrome plated bathtub safety rail, straight, low

SKU: N/A Category:


Tuffcare offers a variety of Safety Rails each with their own dimensions and weights. The H100 series are all made out of a dove white polyester coated steel frame while the other series have a lustrous chrome plated steel frame. To find out which safety rail is the best fit for your needs, click the product specification button to see all available models and sizes for H100-H300.

  • Rubber lined clamps ensure tight mounting.
  • Weight capacity of 300 pounds.


Product Specifications

Additional information


H100, H200, H250, H300


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